海朋森 Hiperson / 成長小說 (3LP)

Regular price $98.95

- Hiperson, Band from Chengdu, their 3rd album only released in Japan. 

Side A
1.春風(Spring Breeze)
2.新都[Xingdu]の人(新都人/Xindu People)
3.絶望期のわたし(I Am in a Period of Desperation)
4.毎日の進軍(Daily March)
5.白昼に押し入る(Crashing into Daylight)

Side B
1.出生から現在まで(From Birth to the Present)
2.わたしたちのバラード(Our Ballad)
3.見つけた(找到了/Found It)
4.わたしは来世を望まない(我不愿再有来生/I Don't Want Another Life)
5.幸せの歳月はいつも短い(Happy Times Always Pass Fast)