Leslie Cheung 張國榮

REVISIT (New LP) (Bilingual)

Regular price $108.95

- 180 Grams LP
- Made in Japan
- Includes 20x30 " poster

Label: Universal Music Hong Kong


Side A
1. 春夏秋冬 A Balloon's Journey 
2. 發燒 Fervour of the Passionate (國) 
3. 枕頭 Bedtime Soul
4. 寂寞有害 Ancient Boutique 
5. 路過蜻蜓 Piano in the Attic 
6. 全世界只想你來愛我 The Only Thing That Matters (國)

Side B
1. 同道中人 Night Thoughts 
2. 陪你倒數 The Sambass & Bossa 
3. 夢到內河 A Rose's Spike 
4. 敢愛 Original Demo 
5. 我(永遠都愛) The Reprise (國)